Monday, February 8, 2010

Am I My Sister's Keeper?

I have often wondered why I am so blessed to have been born in the wealthiest and most free country in the world. Certainly there was nothing I did on my part to cause my birth to take place in California rather than Calcutta. And I have thought that, but for a stroke of fate, I would be the young woman in Calcutta, or Kigali, and she would be me. So in that sense, she is my sister, or my mother, just born in different places. Thanks to my friend Heide Ford of the LSU Women's Resource Center, I was recently introduced to the End It Now campaign launched to raise awareness about violence against women around the world and decrease the incidence of gender-based violence. The campaign endeavors to collect 1 million signatures from people in 200 countries which will be delivered to the United Nations. Think about it. Would you leave your own sister to be beaten, raped, or disfigured, or married at age 11? Not on your life. So how could I not be my sister's keeper? Here is the question for you: Does business have a responsibility to be its brother's (or sister's) keeper? And what can business do about it? I invite you to visit this link to the End It Now campaign. Watch the short slide show, and click the link to sign the petition.

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